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آخر كلام فى اللغة الانجليزية ليلة الامتحان 2014 للمتميزين من طلاب الثانوية العامة

 آخر كلام فى اللغة الانجليزية ليلة الامتحان 2014 للمتميزين من طلاب الثانوية العامة
1) Respond to each of the following situations :
1-Your younger brother wants to look at the sun during an eclipse.
2- You warmly invite a friend to have dinner with you.
3- You are asked about the benefits of planting trees.
4- You want to express gratitude to a friend who has done you a favour .
5- Some one asks you about your opinion concerning storm chasers
6- Ask your sister her opinion about staying up late.
7- Your sister says she can type 100 words per minute.
8- Your younger brother intends to swim in the canal. Warn him.
9- Your friend tells you that motor racing is very dangerous. You support her opinion.
2 - Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A) I wander if you could mend this pair of glasses.
   B) What happened to them?
  A) I dropped them by mistake.
2- A- A) Let's join the queue before it lengthens.
B) Ok, come on.
B) You are going to vote for Mr. S  as a president, aren't you?

3- A) I'll have to make a forced landing. I have no choice
   B) Oh, dear. I hope you do it safely 

4- A) I'd like a copy of Alahram newspaper, please.
   B) Here is one.

5- A) I can't believe that I've managed to prove this man's
   B) Congratulations, sir! You're an old hand

6- A) How do you like it sir?
   B) I like it well done?  
   A) Any dessert.
7- A) I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
   B) Tell us what you saw.
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