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مرجعات ليله الأمتحانUnit7انجلش 2ث

مرجعات ليله الأمتحانUnit7انجلش 2ث

Unit 7


ارجو به ان ينفع الطلابا ***** والأجر والقبول والثواباl

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قدرى رمزى
شكرا جزاك الله خيراااااااااااااا
ابو العز

Key Vocab:

chain سلسلة – يقيد بسلسلة chief رئيس/ رئيسي/ كبير
representative مندوب/ ممثل yield محصول/ إنتاجية
afford يقدر علي شراء شيء corporation شركة أو مؤسسة تجارية كبري
distribute يوزع distribution توزيع
economy الاقتصاد employ يوظف/ يستخدم
global عالمي goods سلع/ بضائع
technology التكنولوجيا wages أجور
population السكان communication اتصال
represent يمثل


export company شركة للتصدير fresh vegetables خضروات طازجة
the Middle East الشرق الأوسط welcome (v) يرحب بـ
appointment موعد introduce يقدم
receptionist موظف الاستقبال petrol البنزين
oil البترول / زيت import company شركة استيراد
business person رجل أعمال a research scientist عالم أبحاث
produce ينتج production الإنتاج
global economy الاقتصاد العالمي trade التجارة
trader تاجر customer مستهلك
cheaply بسعر رخيص in turn بدوره
a win-win situation موقف في صالح الطرفين fuel الوقود
chemical كيميائي the environment البيئة
rice الأرز harbour ميناء
northeast الشمال الشرقي order طلب /يطلب / أمر
lemon الليمون quantity كمية
relationship علاقة details تفاصيل
economics علم الاقتصاد sales manager مدير المبيعات
a particular area منطقة معينة business organisation مؤسسة تجارية
probably من المحتمل onions البصل
visitor زائر location موقع
global trade = international trade التجارة العالمية the Suez Canal قناة السويس
national economy الاقتصاد القومي national income الدخل القومي
preserve = conserve يحافظ علي local community مجتمع محلي
taxes الضرائب conversation محادثة
over-population الزيادة السكانية / التضخم السكاني a clothes company شركة ملابس
improve يحسن / يتحسن the economic situation الموقف الاقتصادي
economic development التنمية الاقتصادية prosperity الازدهار/ الرخاء
welfare الرخاء / رعاية an hour's drive علي مسافة ساعة بالسيارة
food industry صناعة الأغذية commerce التجارة
as a start كبداية investment الاستثمار
capital رأس المال restrictions قيود

Words and their antonyms:

export يصدر import يستورد
lower أقل / أدني higher أعلي
the same نفس الشيء different مختلف
possible ممكن impossible مستحيل
quickly بسرعة slowly ببطء
increase in زيادة في decrease in نقص في
buy يشتري sell يبيع
behind خلف in front of أمام
probable محتمل improbable غير محتمل
awake مستيقظ asleep نائم
employment العمالة unemployment البطالة


work for a company يعمل لدي شركة meet someone at the airport يقابل شخص في المطار
export … to يصدر ..إلي import … from يستورد .. من
proud of فخور بـ do a project on يقوم ببحث في
refer to يشير إلي all over the world في كل أنحاء العالم
all over Egypt في كل أنحاء مصر in this way بهذه الطريقة
communicate with يتصل أو يتواصل مع set up ينشئ
trade with يتاجر مع in the same region في نفس المنطقة
at the same time في نفس الوقت thank somebody for يشكر شخص من أجل
thanks to بفضل grow up يكبر
bring up يربي write to someone يكتب لشخص
write about something يكتب عن شيء talk on the phone يتحدث في التليفون
stay at a hotel يقيم في فندق look for = search for يبحث عن
related to مرتبط بـ

Irregular Verbs:

shine/shone/shone يلمع speed/sped/sped
speed/speeded/speeded يسرع
show/showed/shown يبين spend/spent/spent ينفق/يقضي
shut/shut/shut يغلق split/split/split يشطر
sit/sat/sat يجلس spread/spread/spread ينتشر
smell/smelt/smelt يشـم stand/stood/stood يقف


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
nationalize يؤمم nation أمة national قومي/وطني
international دولي nationally محليا
internationally دوليا
employ يوظف employment العمالة
employee موظف / عامل
employer صاحب العمل employable صالح للعمل
economize يقتصد economy الاقتصاد economic اقتصادي economically
من الناحية الاقتصادية
technology التكنولوجيا technological تكنولوجي

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

agricultural زراعي deep effect تأثير عميق
public libraries المكتبات العامة slogan شعـار
pressures الضغوط destructive مدمــر
unemployment البطالة proud of فخـور بـ
industrial صناعـي advantages مزايـا
commercial تجـاري disadvantages عيوب
communications الاتصالات diagnose diseases يشخص الأمراض

Language Notes:
¨في حالة وجود اسمين يجمع الثاني ويعامل الأول كصفة ولا يجمع:
a car factoryمصنع سيارات two car factories
a door knob مقبض الباب three door knobs

§Everyday (adj.) يوميا
§Every day (adv.) كل يوم
· We face a lot of problems in our everyday life. كل يوم
· I go to school every day. يوميا

¨الكلمات الآتية تعامل معاملة المفرد بالرغم من أنها تنتهي بحرف s:
Economics علم الاقتصاد – statistics علم الإحصاء
mathematics الرياضيات – physics الفيزياء
· Economics is sometimes hard to understand.

§affect = have an effect on
¨عند استخدام effect بدلا من affect يتغير زمن have حسب زمن الفعل الأساسي للجملة:
·The storm affected the roads badly. (effect)
The storm had a bad effect on the roads.
·The accident has affected her deeply. (effect)
·The accident has had a deep effect on her.
¨هناك كلمات تأتي أحيانا بعد كلمة :chief
Chief buyer المشتري الرئيسي chief engineer كبير المهندسين

§be made of مصنوع من مادة لا تتغير
This handbag is made of plastic.
§be made from مصنوع من مادة أو أكثر تتغير
Bread is made from flour and water.
§be made in (a country)
We should encourage products that are made in Egypt.
§be made by مصنوع بواسطة
This table was made by a clever carpenter.

§Most = nearly all / almost all
·Most students passed the test. = Nearly all students passed the test
¨لاحظ الفرق بين الكلمات الآتية:
§Wages – salary – fare – fees
§Wages أجور (عمال مثلا) بالساعة أو اليوم أو الأسبوع
· The workers went on strike because they wanted higher wages.
§Salary مرتب شهري أو سنوي
·This bank manager gets a salary of 40,000 dollars a year.
§Fare أجرة مواصلات Taxi fare bus fare plane fare
§Fees رسوم أو أتعاب lawyer's fees school fees رسوم مدرسية
·Doctors' fees are very high nowadays.

§afford + to + inf. .لديه من المال ما يمكنه من شراء ...
§afford + n.
¨I can’t afford to buy a new car.
¨ I wish I could afford a new computer.

§hire يستأجر(عادة لفترة قصيرة) ·We hired a car for a week.
§ hire out يؤجر
· Why don't you hire out your car to your neighbours while you are away and make some money?
§ Rent : (a flat / an office / a building) يستأجر لفترة طويلة

§Look forward to + v-ing
· I look forward to visiting London.

§Be located in = be situated in للتعبير عن موقع مكان في دولة أو قارة مثلا
§Be located on = be situated on للتعبير عن الموقع علي بحر أو نهر أو محيط
·The office is located in the city center.
·The town is situated on the Mediterranean Sea.

§Start with = begin with + n.
§Start by = begin by + v-ing
· Let's begin with exercise B.
· He started his speech by telling us something about his life.

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
To (employ – dismiss – expel – convoy) means to pay someone to work for you.
(Fees – Fares – Salaries – Wages) means the money that someone is paid every week by their employer
To (affect – afford – offend – defend) means to have enough money to pay for something.
To (distribute – disturb – distill – destroy) means to supply goods to shops and companies in a particular area
A (collaboration – combination – contamination – corporation) is a large business organisation.
(General – Global – Verbal – Herbal) means affecting or including the whole world
(Astronomy – Anatomy – Economy – Gloomy) is the way that money, businesses and products are organized in a country
(Woods – Goods – Methods – Roots) are things that are produced to be sold.
The global economy has increased (international – rational – irrational – intentional) trade.
The (economic – historic – climatic – dynamic) situation in our country is getting better..
New businesses will (destroy – enjoy - employ –annoy) hundreds of people in the city. There will be a lot of job opportunities.
E-mails help to improve the way companies (calculate – advocate - communicate – dedicate) with their customers.
China has a (pollution – population – revelation – violation) of 1.3 billion people.
They chose a famous barrister to (present - represent – offend – resent) them in court.
This drug is said to have no side (affects – reflects – effects – contests).


Relative Clauses عبارات الوصل
¨يستخدم ضمير الوصل لربط جملتين و يحل محل اسم أو ضمير موجود غالبا في الجملة الثانية:
¨تستخدم who لتحل محل الفاعل أو المفعول. أما whom فتحل محل المفعول فقط و غالبا تستخدم مكانها who:
· The boy looks very tired. He ran a long way. (who)
The boy who ran a long way looks very tired.
· The woman was put in jail. The police charged her with murder.
The woman who (whom) the police charged with murder was put in jail.

¨ تستخدم which لتحل محل الفاعل و المفعول غير العاقل:
· The job was very tiring. He applied for it a week ago.
The job which (that) he applied for was very tiring.

¨تستخدم whose للملكية.
· The man felt very sad. His wife died in the accident.
The man whose wife died in the accident felt very sad.
¨لاحظ أن هناك نوعان من عبارات الوصل ، النوع الأول يعطي معلومة أساسية عن الشيء أو الشخص أو المكان الذي نتحدث عنه ونستخدم في هذا النوع who / which / whom ولا نستخدم comma قبل أو بعد عبارة الوصل. ويمكن استخدام that بدلا من ضمائر الوصل المذكورة .
·The company which he works for sells computer.
· The woman who killed her husband was sentenced to death. حكم عليها بالإعدام

¨والنوع الثاني لا تقدم عبارة الوصل معلومة هامة عن الشيء أو الشخص أو المكان الذي نتحدث عنه ولا بد من استخدام comma قبل وبعد عبارة الوصل و لا تستخدم that في هذا النوع:

· Mr. Ahmed, who has just arrived, is a famous politician.
· The company, which is in Cairo, employs 200 people.
¨لاحظ أن that / who لا يسبقهما حرف جر:
The man for whom he works is German.
The man that he works for is German.
The man who / whom he works for is German.
¨لاحظ استخدام that بعد صفات التفضيل للإشارة إلي غير العاقل:
¨وفي حالة وجود عاقل مع صفات التفضيل يمكن أن نستخدم that أو who:
This is the best book that I have ever read.
He was the best king that / who ever sat on the throne. العرش
¨عادة تستخدم that بعد الكلمات الآتية:
All / much / little (that)
All the apples that fall are eaten by the goats.
¨ لاحظ في الجملة الآتية أنه لا يمكن استخدام that بدلا من which إلا إذا وضعنا حرف الجر بعد الفعل :
· The house cost him a lot of money. He lived in it.
The house in which he lived cost him a lot of money.
The house that he lived in cost him a lot of money.

What = the thing that / the things that
· The things that we saw astonished us. = What we saw astonished us.
· The thing that annoys him is that his friend always comes late.
= What annoys him is that his friend always comes late.

يمكن استخدام to + inf. بدلا من عبارة الوصل اذا كان ضمير الوصل في الجملة يحل محل الفاعل وفي حالة وجود ما يلي :

The first / second/last/only

· Ali was the first student who arrived at school.
= Ali was the first student to arrive at school.

· He was the last man who left the ship.
= He was the last man to leave the ship.
لاحظ تركيب الجملة الآتية:
It + is / was + اسم + who / that …
It + is / was + اسم + which / that …
It was Peter who broke the window.
It was the bus that delayed us.
¨ يمكن حذف ضمير الوصل في الحالات الآنية (مع ضرورة حذف TO BE أيضا):
· إذا كان بعده مبنى للمجهول :
· The man ran away. He was arrested for murder last month.
The man who was arrested for murder last month ran away.
The man arrested for murder last month ran away.

· أو إذا كان بعده جار و مجرور (حرف جر واسم):
· The boy wants to borrow some books. He is in the library.
The boy (who is) in the library wants to borrow some books.

· أو إذا كان بعده اسم أو صفة بعدها اسم:
· John Smith was interviewed on TV. He is a famous runner.
John Smith, (who is) a famous runner, was interviewed on TV.

¨تستخدم where بدلا من which و حرف جر إذا كانت تدل على مكان أو بدلا من there
· The shop was so big. He worked in it. (which / where)
The shop which he worked in was so big.
The shop where he worked was so big.
· He went to Acapulco. He spent most of his holiday there.
He went to Acapulco where he spent most of his holiday.

¨تستخدم when بدلا من which و حرف إذا كانت تدل على زمن:
¨ The day was remembered for long. They met on it.
The day on which they met was remembered for long.
The day when they met was remembered for long.

¨لابد من استخدام ضمير الوصل إذا جاء في مكان الفاعل و بعده الفعل:
¨إذا حذف ضمير الوصل و كانت الجملة معلوم Active نستخدم :V.+ ING
· The man is very kind. He works in this office.
The man who works in this office is very kind.
The man working in this office is very kind.

¨ يمكن حذف ضمير الوصل إذا جاء مكان المفعول:
· The officer treated me very well. I met him at the police station.
The officer whom/ who/ that I met at the police station treated me very well.
The officer I met at the police station treated me very well.

Grammar Exercises:
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
Mr. Peter (who – which – whose – whom) has just arrived in Egypt is the chief buyer for a Chinese import company.
He is at Cairo airport, (when – whom – where – why) Mr. Ali is meeting him.
The supermarket, (which – whose – where – what) Miss O'Connor works for, buys fruit and vegetables from an Egyptian company..
1 spent most of the time studying the reports (which – whom – where – when) you sent me about the low yield problems that you have.
The man (which – where – whose - that) John met at the airport was from Edinburgh in Scotland.
Can you suggest a time (which - when – where – that) you can come to our office tomorrow?
Falcon, (which – when – where – whose) was started in 1998 is an important Egyptian export company.
Mr. Ahmed, (whose – where - who – when) is the manager of Falcon, has worked for Falcon for 25 years.
Tom, (who – there – which – whom) works as a research scientist, comes from Edinburgh.
The company (where – in which – with whom -which ) I work for imports cotton from Egypt.
1970 was the year (when – which – where – whose) my mother was born in.
The company (which – where – what – whose) my father works exports goods to Europe and Asia.
Port Said, (when – that – which – where) his business is located, is an hour's drive from our house.
The Sales Manager of the company, (who – which – whom – where) is 26 years old, studied economics at university.
The person (that – which – where – when) the company belongs to is an accountant.
The exports, (whose - which – when – where) include cotton and metal goods, come from all over Egypt.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
My cousin, where is a research chemist, works in the food industry.
My brother went to Oxford University which he studied economics.
John, which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 1 5 years.
The university which my uncle works is in Cairo.
The university where I want to go to is near my uncle.
My uncle Ahmed, where is a businessman , lives in Cairo.
Tanta, whose is Egypt's fifth largest city, has many mosques.
Ahmed, when has many customers in India, often goes there for holidays.
Ahmed's clothes company, where he started in 1950, exports all over the world.
The clothes, what are made of Egyptian cotton, are very good quality.

Business Letters

· الخطاب الرسمي أو التجاري هو خطاب نقوم بإرساله إلي شركة أو مؤسسة أو بنك أو جهة رسمية لغرض معين مثل الحصول علي وظيفة أو قرض أو طلب عضوية في نادي مثلا وعادة يكتب الخطاب الرسمي بلغة رسمية تختلف عن لغة الخطاب الذي نرسله لصديق مثلا.

Write your address and the date اكتب عنوانك و التاريخ في أعلي يمين الصفحة§
You may give your telephone number or e-mail address here too.
§ ويمكنك إضافة رقم التليفون و البريد الإلكتروني
Write the name and address of the person or company you are writing to on the left hand side of the page, just below the line of your address.
§يكتب اسم وعنوان الشخص أو الشركة التي تكتب لها في الجانب الأيسر من الصفحة بعد عنوانك مباشرة
Begin the letter with the person’s surname if you know it, “Dear Mrs. Jones”.
§ابدأ الخطاب باستخدام لقب الشخص
If you don’t know the person’s name, begin with “Dear Sir,” for a man and “Dear Madam,” for a woman. If you don’t know the name or sex of the person you are writing to, begin “Dear Sir or Madam,”.
In the first paragraph, clearly state the purpose of your letter.
§ في الفقرة الأولي وضح الغرض من الخطاب
Use the full forms of verbs, ‘I will’, ‘I would’, I am, I have, etc.
§لا تستخدم اختصارات في الأفعــال
§الجمل الآتية تصلح لإنهاء الخطـاب:
·Thank you for your assistance. شكرا لمساعدتكم
I look forward to hearing from you.
I am looking forward to meeting you.
§ في نهاية الخطاب ، استخدم Yours sincerely,

Your address, عنوانك و التاريخ
Your Phone No.
E-mail address
Name and address of the Company/
person you are writing to اسم وعنوان الشخص أو الشركة التي تكتب له

Dear Mr./ Mrs.,
OR Dear Sir or Madam,

Letter detailsموضوع الخطاب
Yours Sincerely,
اسم وتوقيع مرسل الخطاب Name and Signature

Test on Unit 7

1- Respond to the following situations:
You meet a visitor to your country at the airport. You want to make him or her feel at home. What do you say?
A person you do not know arrives in your school. Ask if you can help them.
You meet a friend who you have not seen for a long time. What do you say?
In class, you see a school friend who has been away for several weeks. What do you say?

Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1-A: What time will you be checking out tomorrow?
B: I have to leave early to catch my flight. I’d like a 6 a.m. wake-up call
A: Well, you can check out tonight and I’ll arrange it. I hope you have
enjoyed your stay with us.
B: Yes, I have. Thank you.

2- A: I’d like to deposit L.E. 500 in my savings account, please.
B : Of course. Just complete one of these forms and return
to this counter.
A: Where can I fill in this form?
You can stand here next to the queue.

3- Choose the correct answer:
Ahmed (who – when – whose – which) is very proud of his business, exports to China now, too.
Ahmed is at the station (who – which – where – when) he's meeting his grandfather.
The first person (which – that – he – to) speak English to me was my uncle.
The office (which – where – who – whose) he works in is close to the National Bank.
The man to (that – whose - whom – when) you were talking is the manager of the company
The hotel (that – which – whose – where) we spent our summer holiday is being restored
The student with (whom – which – that – who) I am sharing a room is from Germany
The TV program (when - which – whose – where) I saw last night was about old people
My cousin, (who – that – where – which) is a university student, lives in Cairo.
Our fruit (field – yield – wild – mild) has increased since we started watering our plants more often.
The three biggest supermarket (drains - chains – brains – curtains) are used by 75% of the population.
My uncle has an important job. He is the (belief – grief - chief – relief) engineer for a car company.
(Representatives – alternatives – detectives – relatives) of countries which export oil are meeting to discuss the economic situation.
The (brief – chef – beef - chief) problem we have in the world now is pollution.
I can't (afford – record – board – award) to buy a house at the moment.
The company aims to (attribute – contribute - constitute – distribute) its product through the European Union.

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
I remember the day which my son was born.
This is the neighborhood when I spent most of my childhood.
The animals whose are in the zoo are all endangered species.
Archaeology is knowledge and equipment used in scientific or industrial work.
Companies can now accommodate goods all around the world.
Employees in this shop usually get their salaries every Friday.

5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
In many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals in laboratory experiments? Using animals in medical research has many benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart diseases. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or that of a three-year old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals.

Last year, over twelve million animals had to be killed because nobody wanted them as pets. The fact is that human benefit cannot be used as a reason for using animals in research, any more than it can be used as a reason for experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in cages and they may be unable to move.

Animals have the same rights as humans do, to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. We can use computer modeling instead of animals in research laboratories to save animals life.

Answer the following questions
Why is animal research useful?
How do animals suffer during experiments?
What other ways can be used instead of experimenting on animals?
Are you for or against using animals in medical research? Why?
B)Choose the correct answer:
According to the passage, some people support using animals in research because they think that ……..
the life of people is more important than the life of animals.
Animals are harmful creatures. c) Many people do not like animals.
d) Animals do not suffer during experiments.
The idea against using animals in research is that ………
the life of animals is more important than the life of humans.
People should help to increase the number of animals.
Researchers have to use animals in their medical research.
Animals have the same rights as humans do.
An appropriate title of this passage would be……….
a) Scientific Research b) Research Laboratories
c) Animal Rights d) Human Rights

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Johnny was three when he ran away from home for the first time. Somebody left the garden gate open. Johnny wandered out, crossed some fields and two hours later, arrived in the next village. He was just able to give his name and address.

By the time he was seven, Johnny used to disappear from home two or three times a year. Sometimes he covered long distances on foot. On other occasions he got on a bus or even a train, and simply sat there until someone asked for his ticket. Generally the police brought him home. They used to ask him, “You aren’t happy at home, are you?”. Johnny answered, “Of course not. I just like travelling.” His parents and his teachers used to watch him closely.

It is surprising that Johnny managed to get on board a plane. He was twelve at that time. A few hours later Johnny found himself in Cairo. How did he get on board? No one knows! According to Johnny himself, it was easy: he just went into the airport and got on board the nearest plane.
In spite of all this, Johnny did well at school. He enjoyed maths and languages. He was especially good at geography. He wanted to be an explorer when he grew up.
Answer the following questions:
How often did Johnny disappear from home when he was seven?
Who used to watch him closely at home and at school?
According to Johnny, how did he manage to get on board the plane?
4- What did he want to be when he grew up?

B. Choose the correct answer:
5. Johnny ran away from home because ………………..
a) he was young b) he was unhappy
c) he liked travelling d) his parents beat him
6. As he grew older, Johnny began to ………………..
a) stay at home b) travel for longer distances
c) hide at home d) travel to space
7. When Johnny travelled to Cairo, he was …………….. years old
a) twelve b) seven c) eleven d) three

8- Letter Writing

You are a student who is doing a project on Egyptian export companies.
Write a business letter to Mr. Jamil, Manager, Port Said Chemical Corporation. You want to arrange a visit to ask about the company. You can visit the company any time next week. Your address is 5 Thawra Street, Damanhour.

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
Most people believe that international trade is good for man everywhere. Though this is true, governments often impose import restrictions which make trade more difficult. The main reason for this is that governments have to protect their products from foreign ones.
B) Translate into Arabic:
1- تحاول مصر جذب رؤوس الأموال العربية و الأجنبية للاستثمار في مجال الصناعة.
2- يجب علي الحكومة أن تشجع العلماء و المخترعين في جميع المجالات .
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