مدرس اون لايندخول

منهج اللغه الإنجليزيه الصف الثانى الثانوى الجديد كاملاً مذكرات شرح ( الوحدات من 1 إلى 18 )


Key Vocab:

air conditioning (n.) تكييف الهواء train (v.) (n.) يدرب/ قطار
civil engineer (n.) مهندس معماري operation (n.) عملية
delegation(n.) وفد qualify(v.) يتأهل / يؤهل
grandchildren (n.) أحفاد surgeon (n.) جراح
research (n.) أبحاث heart transplant (n.) زراعة قلب
uniform (n.) زى رسمي heart surgery (n.) جراحة قلب
count (v.) يعد transplant centre (n.) مركز لزراعة الأعضاء
retire (v.) يتقاعد retirement age (n.) سن التقاعد


leader قائد food shortage نقص الغذاء
leadership قيادة qualities سمات / صفات
spelling هجاء village قرية
contributions إسهامات situations مواقف
value قيمة qualifications مؤهلات
charitable organisations مؤسسات خيرية a relative احد الأقارب
save = rescue ينقذ mention يذكر
suddenly فجأة an article مقالة
dictionary قاموس human cells خلايا بشرية
immediately فى الحال medicine الطب / دواء
habit عادة full-time job وظيفة دائمة
repeated action حدث متكرر part-time job وظيفة مؤقتة
hotel receptionist موظف استقبال فى فندق project planning تخطيط المشروعات
architect مهندس معماري treatment علاج / معاملة
job application طلب تقدم لوظيفة a fireman رجل الإطفاء
marital status الحالة الاجتماعية accountant محاسب
nationality الجنسية news reporter مراسل اخبارى
education التعليم programmer مبرمج
surname اللقب / اسم العائلة company = firm شركة
date of birth تاريخ الميلاد mention يذكر
address العنوان improve يحسن / يتحسن
a healthy heart قلب سليم world-famous مشهور عالميا
details تفاصيل police officer ضابط بوليس
the ٌٌٌٌٌRed Crescent الهلال الأحمر smart أنيق / ذكي
comfortable مريح proud فخور
efficient كفء dams سدود
bridges جسور / كباري interview مقابلة / يجري مقابلة
headline news أخبار تتصدر عناوين الصحف programs برامج
magic سحر

Make or Do?

make friends يتخذ أصدقاء do an operation يقوم بعملية جراحية
make sure يتأكــد do a job يؤدي وظيفة
make contributions يقوم بإسهامات do work يقوم بالعمل
make sense له معني do the shopping يتسوق
make a decision يقرر / يتخذ قرار do the homework يقوم بواجباته المدرسية
make a difference to يحدث اختلاف في / يكون له تأثير علي do wrong يخطئ
make a mistake يخطئ do good يُفيـد
make parts of cars يصنع أجزاء السيارات do harm يضــر
make a fire يشعل نارا do the washing up يقوم بغسل الأواني
make a suggestion يقدم اقتراح do the cleaning يقوم بالتنظيف
make a promise يوعد do the sweeping يقوم بالكنس
make achievements يحقق انجازات do a favour يقدم خدمة أو معروف
make peace يحقق السلام do a project يقوم بعمل بحث أو دراسة (في مدرسة أو جامعة)
make war يشن حرب do research يقوم بعمل أبحاث
make lunch/dinner يعد الغداء / العشاء do without يستغني عن
make the bed يرتب السرير do (his) hair يصفف شعره
make up (his) mind يقرر do something/nothing يفعل شيء (لا شيء)
make a noise يثير ضوضاء do the cooking يقوم بالطهي

Words and their antonyms:

friendly ودود unfriendly غير ودود
important هام unimportant غير هام
modern حديث ancient / historic قديم
inside داخل outside / exterior خارج
married متزوج unmarried/single أعزب
dead ميت alive علي قيد الحياة
major رئيسي minor ثانوي
special خاص / مميز ordinary /usual/normal عادي
continue يستمر stop يتوقف
leader قائد / زعيم follower تابع


apply for (a job/a visa) يتقدم بطلب لـ (وظيفة/تأشيرة) apply to (a company) يتقدم بطلب (للشركة)
apply in person يتقدم بالطلب شخصياً apply in writing يتقدم بالطلب كتابةً
look up يبحث عن معلومة (في كتاب أو قاموس) interested in مهتم بـ
adapt to يتأقلم علي / يتكيف مع study at (school) يدرس في
under the leadership of تحت قيادة find out يكتشف
at the age of في سن benefit from يستفيد من
cause of سبب reason for سبب
play a part in يلعب دوراً في play a role in يلعب دوراً في
children with heart problems أطفال يعانون من مشكلات في القلب good at = clever at ماهر في
have experience in لديه خبرة في see off يودع
good for مفيد لـ from all over the world من كل أنحاء العالم
report on يقدم تقرير عن at the weekend في نهاية الأسبوع

Irregular Verbs:

arise/arose/arisen يوقظ / يثير awake/awoke or awakened/ awoken يستيقظ
be/was-were/been يكون bear/bore/borne يولد
bear/bore/born يتحمل become/became/become يصبح
begin/began/begun يبدأ bend/bent/bent يثني
bet/betted/betted يراهن bind/bound/bound يربط


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
delegate يوفد delegation وفد
lead يقود leader قائد
leadership قيادة leading هام
operate يجري جراحة operation عملية operatorعامل التليفون
research يقوم بأبحاث research بحث researcher باحث
surgery/ surgeon surgical جراح Surgically جراحيا
qualify يتأهل ل qualification مؤهلات qualified مؤهَل
retire يتقاعد retirement تقاعد retired متقاعد

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

horizons آفـاق human rights حقوق الإنسان
flourish يزدهـر war victims ضحايا الحروب
declineينخفض / انخفاض opponents المعارضـون
life insurance التأمين علي الحياة non-governmental غير حكـومي
with regard to فيما يتعلق بـ supporters مؤيدون

Expressing opinions with reasons:

I think / believe…because… I think he will pass the exam because he studies hard.
In my opinion / view…as… In my opinion, we should use cars less as they pollute the air
If you ask me, … so that …. If you ask me, he should study harder so that he can pass the test.

Language Notes:

۩ لاحظ استخدام فعل have بمعاني مختلفة ويأتي في الأزمنة المختلفة:
have a meeting have a bath
have a shower have an exam
have a meal have a party

۩ لاحظ استخدام كلمة project بمعنيين مختلفين:
Do a (history) project يقوم بإعداد بحث أو دراسة في موضوع معين
Carry out a project ينفذ مشروع (تجاري / صناعي ، مثلا)

۩ استخدام حرف الجر on في الحالات الآتية:
on tv on the radio on the telephone on the internet
on show n display on duty on business
on the whole on purpose on my way to on foot
on both sides of the street on holiday

۩ يستخدم حرف الجر on مع الأيام ويستخدم in مع الشهور و السنين:
۩ on Monday, Friday, Sunday in May, April, August

۩ وعند تحديد اليوم مع الشهر (والسنة)نستخدم : on
۩ On 2nd May on March 1st, 2010

۩ Decide to + inf. = make up (his) mind to
She decided to study zoology. = She made up her mind to study zoology.
۩ Decide on = choose : Finally the parents decided on a name for the baby.

۩ Contribute to + V+ing / n We should all contribute to developing our country.

Everyone contributed to the discussion.
۩ Help to + inf. / help + inf. / help with + n.
He helped me to do the job. = He helped me do the job.
He helped me with the job.

۩ Qualify as a teacher / an accountant يتأهل كـ (يأتي بعدها الوظيفة)
۩ qualify in biology / archaeology يحصل علي مؤهل في (تخصص معين)
۩ be qualified to + inf. يكون مؤهل لكي..
He qualified as a doctor two years ago.
He qualified in medicine last year.
She is qualified to teach English.
۩ لاحظ تركيب الجمل الآتية:
۩ The reason I like / enjoy … is that …
۩ The reason I don't like … is that …
۩The best / worst thing about … is … أفضل / أسوأ شيء في ... هو أن
۩ The main reason is that … السبب الرئيسي هو أن
۩ I enjoy / love + V+ing …

The reason I like this job is that I meet all kinds of people.
The best thing about working here is the friendly people.
I enjoy working here because every day is different.
The main reason is that I can earn a lot of money.

۩ Do / carry out research on/into يقوم بعمل أبحاث في
He did a lot of research on plants. He carried out research into the causes of cancer.

۩ لاحظ طريقة صياغة الأسئلة التالية:
۩ Where do you come from? = Which country do you come from? للسؤال عن الجنسية
I come from England/ Italy…
۩ What's your nationality? جنسية I'm English/ Italian.
۩ What do you do? = What's your job? = What do you do for a living?
I'm a teacher.
۩ Where do you live? = What's your address?
15 Lincoln Street, New York.
۩ What's your date of birth? = When were you born? للسؤال عن تاريخ الميلاد
I was born in Acapulco.
۩ What's your marital status?= Are you single or married? I'm single.
للسؤال عن الحالة الاجتماعية (أعزب أو متزوج)

۩ Do / carry out / perform an operation يقوم بإجراء عملية جراحية
۩ Have an operation تجري له عملية جراحية

۩ For this reason, … ولهذا السبب
He was highly qualified. For this reason, he was accepted for the job.

۩ Die of a disease / hunger / thirst يموت من (مرض / جوع / عطش )
۩ die from a wound / an injury / a spider bite يموت من (جرح / إصابة / لدغة عقرب أو عنكبوت)

۩ research new treatment = do research on new treatment يقوم بإجراء أبحاث علي علاج جديد

۩ historic = (places / events / moments / day )ذو أهمية تاريخيــة
Tourists usually visit the historic places in Egypt.
۩ historical مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ
historical research أبحاث , papers دراسات, studies, plays مسرحيات , novels روايات

۩ learn to = learn how to
He learned to use the computer. = He learned how to use ...
۩ لاحظ استخدام الفعل fall هنا بمعني يصبح become:
۩ fall asleep/ill/unconscious فاقد الوعي

۩ fill in = complete an application or a form يقوم بملء طلب أو استمارة

۩ arrive (I) يصل Your letter arrived yesterday. She was the last to arrive.
۩ arrive in (Cairo, London, Italy) We arrived in New York at 6 p.m.
۩ arrive at (school / the station/ the airport…)
We arrived at school early.
۩ reach (T) + مفعول We reached New York at 6 p.m.لا يستخدم معها حرف جر
۩ reach a decision يصل لقرار/ a conclusion يتوصل لنتيجة
They were unable to reach a decision.

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
Surgeons (do – make – act – bring) heart transplant operations.
She works for a charitable organisation as she believes that her work (does – lacks – takes – makes) a difference to people's lives.
It's been more than 2 years since he (did – made – had – went) that operation. Now he's quite healthy.
I don't think she has (did – took – made – written) the right decision.
You (had – made – did – saw) me a big favour and I really appreciate يقدر it.
She (reached – got – went – arrived) in New York 2 days ago.
If you (question – talk – ask – wonder) me, he should look for another job.
She hopes to (identify – verify – beautify – qualify) as a lawyer at the end of the year.
He's got to have an (operation – aspiration – collaboration – concentration) on his shoulder
A (vet – civil engineer – nurse – surgeon) is a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
What do your do? – I'm reading a story.
The better thing about this job is that it is well-paid.
She felt ashamed because she did a silly mistake.
Dr. Magdy Yacoub made many heart transplant operations.
She helped me doing the job.
Egypt sent a trade allegation to the conference.
Policemen usually wear a platform.
He had a kidney transport last year.
The normal requirement age in Egypt is 60.
She is interested on reading newspapers.

The Present Simple Tense

¨ يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث متكرر أو عادة :
·Nurses look after patients in hospitals. ·Birds fly.
¨يستخدم للتعبير عن حقيقة :
·Water is a renewable form of energy.
¨يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث يتم لفترة طويلة:
·I have a bath every other day. ·I prefer coffee to tea.
¨ يستخدم المضارع البسيط في حالة طلب أو إعطاء التعليمات و الاتجاهات :
·How do I get to the station? You go straight on, then you turn left.
¨ عادة يضاف s للفعل مع he / she / it :
want wants hate hates
¨تستخدم الظروف الدالة علي التكرار (adverbs of frequency) قبل كل الأفعال و بعد To Be . و الظروف الدالة علي التكرار هى:
never / rarely = seldom / not often / sometimes / occasionally / often/ frequently /usually / always
·I always try to save energy. ·She's often late for work.
¨الظروف الدالة علي الزمنadverbs of time تأتي إما في بداية الجملة أو نهايتها
·We watch TV every night. ·Every night we watch TV.
¨ لاحظ استخدام فعل do كفعل أساسي :
· He does his homework once a week. How often does he do his homework?
¨ تستخدم don't / doesn't في حالة نفي المضارع :
· He studies hard. He doesn't study hard.
¨ و يمكن أن يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع الظروف الدالة علي الزمن و الكلمات الاتية :
ever / generally / / nowadays / / on Mondays, on Tuesdays / twice a year / every week , day, year, summer…..
·Do you ever go to school on Friday? ·She frequently visits the Pyramids.

am / is / are + PP. المضارع البسيط فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول¨

·Somebody cleans this room every day. This room is cleaned every day.

Present Continuous Tense
¨ التكوين:

Am/ is / are + v.+ing
الكلمات الدالة عليه :¨
now / at the moment / look! / Listen!/ at present
·She is writing a letter now.
·I am reading an interesting book at the moment.
¨ لاحظ عدم استخدام هذه الأفعال في الأزمنة المستمرة:

love like hate prefer
want need deserveيستحق suppose
mean understand believe remember
contain consist know belong
see hear smell taste
recognize realize surprise astonishيدهش
seem possessيمتلك own depend
concern matterيهم lack owe
weigh يزن mean agree measure

am / is / are + being + PP. المضارع المستمر فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول¨
·Somebody is cleaning the room. =The room is being cleaned.

Past Simple Tense

يستخدم الماضي البسيط :
1- للتعبير عن حدث انتهي في وقت معين في الماضي:
§I went to Cairo last week.
§The Chinese invented printing centuries ago.
2- في سياق قصــة في الماضي:
Sam walked down the road to the block of flats on the corner. He went through the door and pressed the button for the lift. He went up to …..
3- للتعبير عن موقف أو عادة في الماضي:
When I was young, We lived in Alex.
§ يضاف للفعل ed عند استخدام الماضي البسيط و إذا انتهى الفعل بـ e يضاف له d فقط :
help helped want wanted
live lived like liked
§ إذا انتهى الفعل بـ y يسبقه حرف متحرك يضاف للفعل ed :
play played enjoy enjoyed
§إذا انتهى الفعل بـ y يسبقه حرف ساكن ، تتحول إلي ied :
hurry hurried carry carried
§ إذا كان الفعل يتكون من مقطع واحد و ينتهي بحرف ساكن يسبقه
متحرك ، يضاعف الحرف الأخير :
plan planned stop stopped
grab grabbed refer referred
§ يستخدم past simple غالبا مع كلمات مثل:
last (year, night, week, month / summer) / ago / yesterday / in ancient times / once upon a time / the other day, year (= a few days, years ago)/ in 2000 / in the past

§How many symphonies did Beethoven compose? (في حالة السؤال)
§Did you see Peter at lunch time?
§I didn’t know him then. (في حالة النفي)
§لاحظ أنه عند استخدام did في السؤال أو didn’t في النفي ، يأتي
معهما الفعل في المصدر :
Did it rain? It didn’t rain.
Did you go out last night, Tom?
Yes, I went to the cinema, but I didn’t enjoy the film.
were .
© Why were you so angry? ©Tom wasn’t at work yesterday
Past Continuous Tense الماضي المستمر
§ التكوين:
Was / Were + V-ing
يستخدم الماضي المستمر past continuous :
1- للتعبير عن حدث مستمر أثناء وقت معين في الماضي :
Between six and half past six this morning, I was having breakfast.
2- للتعبير عن حدث مستمر فى الماضى قطعه حدث آخر :
I was having a shower when the phone rang.
3- يأتى في سياق قصة أو موقف في الماضي :
I was studying Chemistry when I met Jane.
He was doing research when they arrested him.
§ يستخدم الماضي المستمر غالبا مع كلمات مثل: While / when / As / Just as

¨While (When) we were doing the homework, it started to rain.

§ لاحظ أن when يمكن أن يأتي بعدها ماضى بسيط :
We were doing the homework when it started to rain.

§ يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع while في الماضي المستمر :
While I was studying, my father was reading.

§يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع when في الماضي البسيط :
When he arrived , he found the door locked.

§ يمكن استخدام On بدلا من when و يأتي يعدها : V+ing
When he arrived , he found the door locked. (On …)
On arriving, he found the door locked.
§ يمكن استخدام during بدلا من while و يأتي يعدها noun / V+ing :
While he was playing the game, he got hurt. (during)
¨During the game, he got hurt. ¨He got hurt during the game.
§ الفعل بعد and يأخذ نفس شكل الفعل الذي يسبقها:
He was writing a letter and listening to some music.
She has finished work and gone home.
§ لاحظ عدم استخدام to Be في الماضي المستمر:
¨While I was at school, I worked to a plan.

The Present Perfect Tense
§ التكوين:
Have / Has + PP.

He has just bought a new car.
They have already done the shopping.
§ يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن:
1- حدث تم في الماضي ولا يزال له تأثير في الحاضر :
§ My car has broken down. = I have to go to work by bus.

2- حدث تم في الماضي و ما زال مستمر في الحاضر :
§ I have done this job for many years. = I still do this job.
§ BUT I lived in Cairo for many years. = I live somewhere else now.(ماضي بسيط)

&يستخدم المضـارع التام مع كلمات مثـل :
already / just / ever / never / yet / since / for / lately / recently / so far / up till now

& و يستخدم إذا بدأت الجملة بمـا يلـي :
§ It’s/This is the first (second…) time..
§ It’s(This) is the only… § In the last few years/months § In recent years
§ over the ages / over the years / over the centuries علي مر العصور/ السنين/القرون

¨It’s the first time I have been to this place.
¨This is the only play I have seen.
¨ Egypt has made great progress in the last few years.
¨ لاحظ أن ever/never/just/ already تأتي بينhave/has والتصريف الثالث : PP.
¨I have just written the letter.
§ لاحظ استخدام ever في السؤال و never في الإجابة :
¨ Have you ever travelled by plane?
¨ No, I have never travelled by plane.
Just = a short time ago/ a minute/ a moment ago
©They left the building a minute ago. (just)
= They have just left the building.
& لاحظ استخدام since / for
Since + بداية الحدث

©Since last week / last summer / 1999 / five o’clock / October / this morning / yesterday / then / Monday / breakfast

For + فترة زمنية

For a week / the last week / a year / five hours / three months / two days / a long time
¨ I haven’t cleaned the house for a week.
© She hasn’t phoned us since October.
¨ في حــالة وجـود فعـل واحــد مع since نستخدم المضارع التام :
¨ في حـالة وجـود فعلين ، يأتي بعد since ماضي بسيط past simple و الفعل الثاني في المضارع التام :
¨ I haven’t seen her since she graduated.
¨ لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام ago مـع since :
·I haven't seen him since three years ago.
¨ ولكن في حالة وجود ago فقط ، نستخدم past simple :
·I saw him three years ago.
§ Last / The last time / ago + past simple
¨ عند استخدام since / for بدلا من الكلمات السابقة نستخدم مضارع تام منفى:
§ I last had my hair cut when I was in Cairo. (since)
= I haven’t had my hair cut since I was in Cairo.

¨ The last time I met Jennie was in 2000. (since / for )
= I haven’t met Jennie since 2000.
= I haven’t met Jennie for 9 years.
= I haven't met Jennie since 9 years ago.

¨ The last time I played chess was six years ago. (since/for)
= I haven’t played chess since 2003.
= I haven’t played chess for six years.
= I haven't played chess since six years ago.
¨في حالة استخدام ago بدلا من for نستخدم started to / began to + inf.:
§ He has learnt English for six years. (ago)
He began / started to learn English six years ago.
¨ لاحظ انه عند استخدام since بدلا من for نستخدم التركيب الآتي:

It’s + فترة زمنية + since + فاعل + + last + ماضي بسيط

He hasn’t visited his uncle for a long time. (since)
It’s a long time since he last visited his uncle.
¨ لاحظ انه عند استخدام ever بدلا من never نستخدم صيغة تفضيل:

¨ I have never done such a tiring job. (This is…)
= This is the most tiring job I have ever done.
¨ لاحظ انه عند استخدام never بدلا من ever نستخدم such (a/an) adj. + n.:
¨ This is the worst luck I have ever had. (never)
= I have never had such bad luck.
¨ لاحظ استخدام yet في الجملة المنفيــة
§ I haven’t finished my homework yet.
¨في حالة استخدام yet بدلا من still نستخدم مضارع تام منفى بدلا من المضارع المستمر:
¨He is still writing the report. (yet)
He hasn’t finished writing the report yet.
¨ تستخدم yet في نفي جمــلة بهـا just / already :
§ He has just arrived. He hasn’t arrived yet.

Exercises on Grammar:
Choose the correct answer:
1-(Are you thinking - You are thinking - Do you thinking - Do you think) people should work in their 70s or 80s?
2-She's (delaying – dying – dyeing – paying) her hair at the moment.
3-I only (buy – buys – bought – buying) my new camera last week, but I (take already – have already taken – has already taken – will already take) 300 photos with it.
4- My father (work – is worked – working - works) in a bank in the city centre. He (works – has worked – was working - worked) there for 15 years .
5- My company (has – have – had – is having – will have) an important meeting last month. A delegation (come – came – is coming – would come) from their office in Japan.
6- I (am – is – had been - was) so tired last night that I (fallen – falls – to fall – fell) asleep while I (was watching – watches – have watched – had watched) a film on TV.
7-At the moment we (are doing – do – have done - were doing) a history project at school. It (was – has – does - is) very interesting.
8- It (does not often rain – not often rains – is not often raining – will not often rain) in Egypt. It (was – were – been - is) usually hot and sunny, so we need air conditioning in many of our buildings.
9- I first (meet – have met – met – meeting) my best friend 2 years ago.
10-What (were you done – you were doing – do you do – were you doing) at 3 o'clock yesterday?

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
1- What did you do since the weekend?
2-When would you start to learn English? – Two years ago.
3-I want to be a doctor since I was ten.
4-When I was eight. I have seen a programme about a famous doctor on TV.
5-We were having a meeting at work this morning when suddenly all the lights were going out.
6-At the moment my sister trains to be a primary teacher.
7-Metals are expanding when they are heated.
8-She does research on plants a few years ago.
9-I knew him for ten years.
10-I didn't see the film yet.
Test on Unit 1

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
a. A friend wants to know what job you would like to do when you leave school.
b. A friend asks you why you'd like to be a doctor.
c. Your teacher asks you why you enjoy learning English.
d. A relative wants to know the best thing about your school.
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A: What are you doing there?
B: I’m cooking lunch.
A: Be quick, please. I’m too hungry..

2- A: How often should I take this drug, please?
B.: Twice daily.
A: How much is it?
B: Thirty five pounds.

B-Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. Our company is planning to send (a group - a worker - a car - a delegation) to the next international meeting.
2. Mrs. Smith was very happy to become (a surgeon - a grandmother - a father - a cousin) when her daughter had a baby son.
3. The old doctor is looking forward to his (retirement – holiday – year – society) at 65 years because he will no longer have to work.
4. The boy needs (a doctor - a charity - a transplant - a hospital) because his heart is not working properly and without a new heart he will die.
5. It’s terribly hot in here. Please can you turn on the (heater- lights - parts - air conditioning)?
6. That boy loves to draw buildings! I believe that he will become (an engineer - a businessman –
an architect - an artist) when he grows up.
7. (civil engineers - architects - designers – managers) are important because they work on many things, from bridges and waterways to road systems.
8. When I was at school I liked my(teachers – uniform - classroom – shoes). It was red and grey and I loved wearing it.
9. What exams (are - did – have – might) you passed?
10. After I finished school, I (study - am studying - have studied – studied) tourism at university.
11. Has Sara (applying - applied - apply – application) for any jobs yet?
12. Mona (is working - works - has worked - have worked) at Ain Shams Hospital on Thursdays and Fridays.
13. The university is (advertisement - advertised - advertises – advertising) for a qualified doctor at the moment.
14. While I (was looking - looked - have looked – looks) for work I saw an advertisement for my dream job!
15. People (continued - continue to - continuing to - have continued to) work when they are older for many reasons.
16. I (enjoyed - enjoying - have enjoyed - enjoyed to) working with my company but now I want to look for another job.
4-- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
1-While he does his homework, his friend arrived.
2-Before she did research on new treatments, she works as a surgeon.
3-My brother has a difficult decision to do next week.
4-He isn't finishing the job yet.
5-When the company needs people to speak for it at a meeting, it can send a relation.
6-Both my parents are tired. They no longer work.
C- Comprehension
5- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Would you like to be a teleworker? Teleworkers are people who work for companies, but not in companies. That is to say, they do company work at home, usually on computers
Teleworkers communicate with their bosses by telephone or fax. Some companies also give videophones to their teleworkers so they can see work colleagues when they speak to them.
Teleworking is becoming more and more popular for many reasons. The biggest advantage for companies is that teleworking reduces the companies' running costs. Having fewer employees at work means less office space. Also, computers are now quicker and easier to use, and the price keeps going down . For a company which needs more workers, one of the cheapest solutions can be to train employees in computer skills and to give them a personal computer to use at home.
However, before you apply for a job as a teleworker, you should ask yourself if it is really the best situation for you. Bill Smith, who works for a big company, hasn't enjoyed his last three months at home. "I often fall asleep at the computer because I don't have anybody to talk to," he says. 'So at lunchtime, I often go to the nearest cafeteria and then the afternoon is gone!' Next week, he's starting a new job in a company where there are five people in a small office. 'I can't wait!' he says.
A. Answer the following questions:
1-Why do some companies like to employ teleworkers?
2- If you get the chance, would you like to work as a teleworker? Why? Why not?
3-How do teleworkers usually communicate with their bosses and colleagues?
4-From the passage give one word for each of the following:
a) work mates b)liked by many people
B. Choose the correct answer:
5- A teleworker's job is to work------------
a) in a small office b) for a company at home
c) alone in an office of a company d) with colleagues in an office
6- According to Bill Smith, working alone makes you feel-------------------------
a) hungry b) cheerful c) bored d) happy
7- Bill Smith says, "I can't wait" because he-------------------------------
a) wants to work as a teleworker b) likes working at home
c) enjoys going to the cafeteria d) wants to work in an office
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Helen Keller was an American writer who worked hard for handicapped people. She was a great example of a person who conquered physical handicaps. A serious illness destroyed her sight and hearing by the time she was about two years old. Because of this, she was unable to speak and was entirely shut off from the world. However, she was able to overcome her difficulties and become internationally famous.
Through the sense of touch, Ann Sullivan, who had been blind during childhood, but surgery partially restored her sight, could teach her reading and writing in Braille method. Gradually, the child was able to connect words with objects. Within three years, she knew the alphabet and could read and write.
Until she was ten, Helen could talk only with the sign language of the deaf mute. By the time she was sixteen, she could learn to speak with the help of a teacher of the deaf. She went to a private secondary school and to college from which she graduated with honours.
After college, She was interested in improving the conditions of the blind, the deaf and all the handicapped. She spoke on their behalf in more than 25 countries. She gave lectures and wrote many books and articles. She asked for funds from wealthy people. During World War II, she helped the soldiers who had been blinded in the war. She always gave courage to the handicapped.
Answer the following questions:
1-Why did Helen Keller become blind and deaf?
2- How could she learn to read and write?
3- Who does the underlined pronoun her refer to?.
4- Mention two things Helen did to help the handicapped?
Choose the best answer from a,, b, c or d:
1-Although she lost her sight and hearing, Helen --------------------------.
a) could see, hear and speak when she was 18 b) was shut off from the world
c) asked for funds from wealthy people
d) could overcome her disabilities and become famous
2-When Helen was nine years old, she -------------------------.
could talk only with the sign language of the deaf mute
b) gave lectures and wrote many books
c) joined a private secondary school
d) worked with soldiers blinded in the war
3-The underlined word ‘wealthy” means -----------------------.
a) handicapped b) kind c) rich d) blind
D- Writing
7- Write a paragraph about:
The job you would like to do in the future
E- Translation
8- A) Translate into Arabic:
Television has some negative effects. Studies in the USA show that today's children are fatter than children were before because they eat much when they are watching TV. These studies show that the children who spend a lot of time watching TV are worse at school.
B) Translate into English:
1- لقد أحرزت مصر تقدما كبيرا في كل المجالات .
2- العمل الشاق هو الطريق الوحيد الي النجاح .

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