مدرس اون لايندخول

حروف الجر واستخدامها فى اللغة الانجليزية

Inحرف الجر
يأتى قبل فترات النهار مثل :-
(in the morning – in the after noon _  in the evening )  
I go to school in the morning .&I watch TV in the evening .
كما انه يأتى قبل فصول السنة الاربعة مثال :
( in the winter _ in the spring _ in the summer )
We go to the beach in the summer. I am very cold in winter
On foot _ on holiday  تأتى قبل كلمتى مثال  :-  On حرف الجر  
I go to school on foot & we go to my uncle on Holiday
تأتى قبل ايام الأسبوع مثال :-
On (Saturday – Sunday – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday )
I don’t go to school on Friday & we go to the my grand father on tuesday
يأتى قبل الوقت مثال :-  Atحرف الجر
I am going to play football at half past five. I go to bed at ten o'clock.
At ( the cinema _ the school – the zoo _ the hospital )
I saw the lion , monkey and elephant at the zoo yester day
We go to to the cinema on Friday
By ( train _ bus _ car) تستخدم قبل وسائل المواصلات مثل  Byحرف الجر
I go to school by bus & we go to the Alexandria by train
With my best wishes
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شكرا على الجهد الرائع
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