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مراجعة انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 الوحدات 7 & 8 مستر حمادة حشيش

لغة انجليزية
تالتة اعدادي ترم تاني

الوحدات 7 & 8
Natural wonders of Egypt
Egypt is visited by more than 14 million tourists every year. We have made a list of
the natural wonders of Egypt that we think visitors should know about.
The White Desert National Park
This huge desert starts on the western side of the River Nile and continues into
Libya. It contains five oases, with rocks that the wind has made into strange
shapes. The colours change at different times of day and make them beautiful to
look at.
Al Nayzak Lake
This natural lake is a three hour drive from Hurghada. The lake is called the
shooting Star by locals because it is believed that a piece of a star (a meteorite)
fell into it. The Lake is cut out of the rock in the shape of an eye and is filled with
the bright blue water of the Red Sea. It is described by the visitors as one of the
best places to dive and swim.
Gebel Elba
This national park is surrounded by grassland between the Red Sea Coast and the
mountains. This national park takes its name from the mountain in the middle of it.
It is unusually green and home to many animals and birds. However, as it isn't easy
to reach, it isn't visited often. Its location should help to protect the wildlife there.
مراجعة انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 الوحدات 7 & 8  مستر حمادة حشيش 1667
مراجعة انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 الوحدات 7 & 8  مستر حمادة حشيش 2409
مراجعة انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 الوحدات 7 & 8  مستر حمادة حشيش 3346
تحميل مراجعة انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني  الوحدات 7 & 8  مستر حمادة حشيش
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